Digital transformation services

نظام الخرائط المحمول

Mobile Mapping System

Mobile Mapping Solution is capturing high resolution data from street-level for Large-Scale Scanning and Mapping Missions, Delivering Data Confidence, Precision and High Efficiency of all visible assets. Mobile Mapping technology capturing dense LiDAR data along with 360° high resolution georeferenced images using of sophisticated 360° high resolution optical camera systems in combination with LiDAR data acquisition sensors that can be mounted on vehicle.
Our services:
  • Road, Railways, Pipelines corridor survey and management
  • Smart city mapping or modelling
  • Optical (pollution or Distortion) Survey
  • Asset management survey
التوأمة الرقمية

Digital Twin

Alqotr Co provide a true & accurate model of a building in use, replacing design assumptions with real data and physics enabled calculations to result in a calibrated or operational model of the building which updates and responds in real-time. Digital Twins are complex and key to achieving a decarbonized built environment.   Our services:
  • Smart Cities Modeling and management.
  • Smart assets Management.
  • Digital Twins Platforms.
  • Projects life cycle.
نمذجة معلومات البناء


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of various types of building projects. It is an intelligent digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility. BIM Utilizing 3D laser scanners, drones, and other technologies for precise site surveying and Modeling.   Our services:
  • Scan to BIM.
  • Documentation – Historical Buildings.
  • Condition Assessment.
  • Maintenance Program.
  • Pipes modeling for factories, Power & energy stations and petrochemical plants.

We are happy to communicate with you. Do not hesitate to contact us

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